E-A-T and SEO

E-A-T and SEO

Is there evidence of E-A-T on your website? In Google's Quality Rater Guidelines, which give content authors and webmasters crucial insights into what Google deems high-quality material, the notion of E-A-T, which stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, is covered in depth. It is possible to increase your search rankings by giving careful consideration to your E.A.T. both on and off of your website.

E-A-T provides the authentic information

Google released a whitepaper in February 2019 explaining its commitment to combating the intentional spread of misinformation across its products, including Google Search, Google News, YouTube, and Google's advertising platforms. The document was titled "Tackling the Intentional Spread of Misinformation."

Google is taking preventative measures against the spread of misinformation by employing algorithms that concentrate on "measurable signals." These signals indicate whether or not a website demonstrates expertise, trustworthiness, or authoritativeness in relation to the subject matter that it discusses. In spite of the fact that Google's ranking algorithm does not make any effort to confirm the correctness of the information that is provided, it is intended to recognize websites that exhibit a high degree of E-A-T.

There is evidence to show that since the beginning of 2017, a number of websites have witnessed a decline in traffic as a result of adjustments to core Google algorithm updates that were probably tied to E-A-T. If you suspect that a core algorithm change has had a negative influence on your website, Google suggests that you educate yourself with the notion of E-A-T as well as the Quality Rater Guidelines.

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